Vehicle Registration can be a process riddled with frustrating, long lines and confusing fees. Our agencies have a complete inventory of license plates and titles on site for your convenience. Our goal is to simplify the process and eliminate the hassle so you can get in, get out and get on with your day!
All services provided quickly and efficiently with minimal wait time. Click below to make an appointment so you can get in and out quickly!

No longer wait weeks or months for your Louisiana title. All of our walk-in locations can assist you in obtaining a Title Certificate.

Need to renew your license plate decal? We have dedicated renewal lines for express service. Transfers, replacements, and copies of registrations are all available as well.

Want to represent your favorite Louisiana team or college while you’re on the road? We have over 100 specialty plates for you to choose from. Custom lettering is available, too!

Our staff is happy to help renew or issue a disabled permit. Just bring the state required form signed by your doctor and Louisiana ID and we’ll take care of the rest.

Renew your Louisiana state driver license today! License Renewals, Restoration, Duplicates, and Change of Address.

Reduce costs, improve efficiency & quality of service to your customers with a suite of dealer services: Tag & title processing, document management solutions & more.